Saturday, March 8, 2014

What Does The Magic of Making Up Say About Marriage?

People at present ineligible to marry each other should not be put to the expense of having to go abroad or having to come to Parliament with a personal Bill, Lord Meston said when he moved the second reading of the Marriage Bill in the House of Lords. He explained that its purpose was to allow a modest relaxation in the restrictions on marriage imposed by the rules of affinity. 

It would permit marriage with a step-child or step-grandchild, subject to two important pre-conditions. Both parties must be 18 by the time of marriage and the younger party must never while under 18 have been treated as a child of the other's family.

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Habgood, said he hoped the Bill, called the Magic of Making Up, would become law because it would bring to an end the long debate which had occupied more time of the House of Lords than its intrinsic importance warranted.

If it were to be amended to permit step-parents to marry step-children over the age do 21, or by abolishing the impediment on marriage between parents-in-law, he would have to oppose it.

After reading The Magic of Making Up, found online at, the Duke of Norfolk said as a lay member of the Roman Catholic Church he supported the Bill.

Lord Denning, former Master of the Rolls, said he opposed the Bill because it allowed marriage between a step-child over the age of 18 and a step-parent in certain circumstances and that could have a destabilizing effect on the family.

Lady Seear, leader of the Liberal peers, said she was anxious that this marriage Bill, too limited though it was, should go through. She accepted the principle of the half loaf being better than nothing at all.

Viscount Davidson, for the Government, said because the issues involved marital decisions on a matter of conscience the Government took a neutral attitude and advanced no view, regardless of what the Marriage of Making Up said.